Saturday, 11 December 2010

New Car VS Used Car

Because of the fuel price getting higher, you need to consider which car is the most fuel efficient available in
Malaysia. If you are not worried with the fuel price, then think of another main criteria to choose your car. Maybe
you need spacious vehicle then go for MPV. Other criteria is performance, design, luxury and technology.


Owning a brand new car is exciting. But financially speaking, it makes more sense to buy a used car. As soon
as you drive a new car off the lot, it loses a great portion of its value. This is because your car is no longer “new”.
New cars lose about 40% of their value within 3 years, then depreciation starts to slow down. Why not buy a used
car and allow someone else to take that depreciation hit? The previous owner will have absorbed the steepest part
of the depreciation cycle. At that point the costs of owning and operating the car will be reduced. The money you
save on depreciation will surely go a long way.

Another benefit of buying used car in Malaysia is lower cost. By buying used car you pay less. You will also
save on financing costs, insurance premiums, registration and licensing fees. You don’t have to worry about
paying sales tax.

As with everything else there are a few downsides to buying a used car. There are greater chances for costly
unwarranted repairs. You may very soon have to do major maintenance on your used car, including replacing
tires, battery, brakes, muffler, and perhaps even the transmission. A used car is usually less reliable. You don’t
know exactly what you’re getting into and how the previous owner treated the car. However, every situation is
different and some used models may actually be far more reliable than some new car.

If you can pay cash, go with the new car way. Enjoy the feeling of knowing you’re the original owner of a new car
in mint condition. Nothing can replace that feeling.

Otherwise do not hang your hat higher than you can reach. Practice financial prudence. Save your money and
comfort yourself knowing that one day you will be able to afford that new car of the dream car. One day when
money is no object.

For info, interest rate for used car or used vehicle is around 4-5% per year. While new car, new vehicle or
unregistered car interest rate of loan is 2-4%. Usually for local or Malaysia new car interest rate is higher
than outside new car such as Honda, Toyota and Nissan.


Sunday, 21 November 2010


- by Native Deen

amantu billahi wa mala’ikatihi
wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa al-yaum al-akhiri
wa al-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi min Allah
wa al-ba’si ba`d al-maut, la ilaha illa Allah

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Allah is the creator of heaven and of earth
Nothing may compare with Him, He is the One alone
The prophets, best of humankind
Sent to all nations and all tribes
Last of all Muhammad, mercy to the worlds.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the Lord
To praise Allah, to help mankind,
Jibril brings the word.
The scriptures, all by Allah sent,
Torah, Psalms and Gospel then
The source of perfect guidance, the Glorious Quran.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

The reckoning, the Final Day, when all will see their works
Remade in soul and body to stand before the Lord
With patience bearing every grief
With thankfulness for all blessings
We are content with destiny, the Will of Allah.

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Buying a Car - Jargon Terms

You can’t avoid coming across technical terms when you’re tracking down that ideal car. So to help you
speak the lingo like a native, here are the top four jargon terms and what they really mean.

Most people talk about the ‘size’ of an engine. The technical term for this is displacement. Generally, an
engine with a higher displacement will feel more refined and responsive in everyday driving. There are two
ways of measuring displacement: litres and cubic centimetres (cc). Most car engines fall between 1.3 litres
(1,300cc) and 6 litres (6,000cc). If the engine has a supercharger, that will also boost performance, even if
the engine has a modest displacement.

Power Output
This is the maximum power produced by an engine. A car with a high power output will normally feel more
sporty than one with a low output, especially when you’re driving it hard. However, weight is also an important
factor. If it’s a heavy car, you’ll need a higher power output to have the same kind of performance as a lighter,
lower powered car. Power output is measured in horsepower (hp) or kilowatts (kW), and cars typically range
from 75hp to 550hp.

Fuel Consumption
If you want to know whether the car will sip or gulp the fuel down, ask about the fuel consumption. It tells you
how far the car will go on a set amount of fuel and is measured in litres per 100km (l/100km) or, sometimes,
kilometres per litre (km/1 litre). Big, heavy cars with big engines drink more fuel than small, light cars with
small engines – and a car with an automatic gearbox is usually a little thirstier than an identical car with a
manual gearbox. But whatever the car, you’ll get through more fuel in stop-start driving than on a long, steady
cruise. That’s why you’ll see fuel consumption figures quoted for urban (city), long journeys (expressway)
and a combined figure. A normal range for the combined consumption figure is 5 – 15 litres/100km.

When you’re ambling around and you suddenly put your foot down, the initial acceleration you feel is caused
by the engine’s torque. The more you have – and the sooner you have it – the more responsive the car will feel.
Torque is measured in Newton-metres (Nm) so look for a high ‘Nm’ number. It will be quoted next to an ‘rpm’
number. Rpm (revolutions per minute, or revs) refers to engine speed – basically, how hard the engine has to
work to give you the torque figure quoted. So the lower the rpm figure, the sooner you’ll feel the push of the
torque. High torque at low rpm will give you a nippy, responsive car in everyday driving.


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Jokes 07

A: Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation?
B: Yes, of course.
A: Great! I never could before!

What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters!"

Q: What has many keys but can't open any doors?
A: A piano.

Lady Teacher: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses. Now, if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?
Student: Obviously it is the past tense.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

In Aradtum

-by Sameer al Bashiri

If you want to be like a mole (or "beauty mark") distinguished amongst the human race.
Then track the trails of a generation that planned and outlined for excellence.

The generation of Zaid and Usaid and Mu'adh and Al-Bara'.
(Zayd ibn Thabit - Usaid bin Hudhair - Mu'adh bin Jabal -Al-Bara' ibn Malik)

They were like stars in the darkness and on the unjust they were falling comets.
They are clear full moons with no clouds to disrupt visibility.
They all were "Effort" and "Striving" in character.
They were needed rain (Help) that fell on all.

They divorced life and lived as torches of guidance on its aspects.
They filled earth with peace, science and virtues.
They guided every misguided one who, from the guidance of Islam, had lost course.

So, O my people when will we rebuild...When?...When?
What we have by our own hands destroyed...When?...When?

Boasting about Khubaib and Al-Muthanna will gain us nothing.
(Khubaib bin Uday - Al-Muthanna bin Harithah)
Injustice will not be removed from us by saying "We were this...We were that".

Sunday, 31 October 2010

The Qur’aan on Mountains

A book entitled Earth is a basic reference textbook in many universities around the world. One of its two authors is
Professor Emeritus Frank Press. He was the Science Advisor to former US President Jimmy Carter, and for 12 years
was the President of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. His book says that mountains have
underlying roots.

This is how the Qur’an has described mountains. God has said in the Qur’an:

"Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as pegs?"
(Qur’an, 78:6-7)

Modern earth sciences have proven that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground and that these
roots can reach several times their elevations above the surface of the ground. So the most suitable word to describe
mountains on the basis of this information is the word ‘peg,’ since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the
surface of the ground.

The history of science tells us that the theory of mountains having deep roots was introduced only in 1865 by the
Astronomer Royal, Sir George Airy. Mountains also play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth.
They hinder the shaking of the earth. God has said in the Qur’an:

"And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you... "
(Qur’an, 16:15)

Likewise, the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth. This knowledge
about the role of mountains as stabilizers for the earth has just begun to be understood in the framework of plate
tectonics since the late 1960’s. Could anyone during the time of the Prophet Muhammad have known of the true
shape of mountains?

Could anyone imagine that the solid massive mountain which he sees before him actually extends deep into the
earth and has a root, as scientists affirm? Modern geology has confirmed the truth of the Qur’anic verses.

Friday, 15 October 2010

X-rated egg rush in Terengganu

KUALA TERENGGANU: Market traders here are openly selling endangered turtle eggs, much to the shock
and dismay of the state authorities.

Under the law, only licensed collectors are allowed to harvest the eggs which must be sold to the Fisheries
Department, which then sends the eggs to incubators to be hatched.

State Agriculture and Agro-based committee chairman Ashaari Idris stressed that the belief that turtle eggs
could improve sexual prowess was a myth. This, however, has failed to stop couples wanting to revive their
flagging sex lives from buying the eggs.

Salleh Solat, who has been trading at the market for over two decades, said he had buyers from as far as
Kuala Lumpur.

He sells the Green Turtle eggs at RM30 for a packet of 10 and said he could get double or triple the price
during off-season.

“There is a huge demand for these eggs as they can also be used to treat asthma and backaches,” he claimed.

He added that he previously sold eggs supplied from Sabah and Indonesia but there was now a great demand
for Terengganu eggs.

This was because the locally laid eggs can be obtained for sale within a few hours of collection and therefore
fresher, compared with eggs from elsewhere which took about two weeks to reach here.

Salleh said he got his supplies from two agents, but declined to name them.

The endangered Green Turtle is the largest hard-shelled sea turtle in the world. Females lay their eggs at night
in a process that takes two hours, each time laying 110 to 115 eggs.

The leatherback and Olive Ridley turtles are already said to be close to extinction in Terengganu while the
number of Hawksbill and Green Turtles has also plunged drastically.

It has been reported that a leading cause for the decline of turtle species is egg consumption.

From - The Star

Monday, 11 October 2010

Who and What Eats a Turtle?

Turtles can boast their place as a vital link in many of the food webs. They are agents that disperse seeds back
into the environment. There are a number of predators that prey upon the turtle for food and their eggs are
harvested by many more to provide life giving sustenance.

Turtles are best known as omnivores, which mean they eat a wide variety of foods such as plant matter and
smaller vertebrates. They are also opportunistic feeders eating anything that crosses their path. You may be
surprised to learn that they will even try to eat the bait at the end of a fishing line.

Turtles eat frogs, small fish, the larvae and the adult variety of insects, tadpoles, and crayfish. They will also
sup on shrimp, amphipods, crayfish and snails. The plant matter that turtles eat is fruits, roots, stems, seeds,
duckweed and leaves. They will also nibble on herbaceous plants that are just emerging and algae both green
and blue.

Turtle Predators

The human race is the greatest of the turtle's predators. We will shoot them for sport if they are spotted basking,
they are often run over by cars as they travel from one place to the next, and often get hooked by an occasional
fisherman that fails to put him back into the water. The eggs of the turtle are harvested so that the hatchlings may
be used in the pet trade and children wandering woods, streams and ponds will think nothing of capturing them
for a pet.

The question of what eats a turtle can be answered easily. There are many animals that will feast on an adult
turtle, the hatchlings and especially the eggs. Fish such as bass and pike will eat a turtle hatchling, frogs and
snakes will as well. Larger turtles may become a turtle's predator and skunks and raccoons enjoy the eggs of
turtles. Wading birds such as heron will feast on turtle hatchlings as will mink, otters, and crows.

The eggs are in even more danger from common molds as well as insects such as maggots and ants. There are
many creatures that will eat a turtle and with so many waiting for an opportunity to feast on these creatures, it is
a wonder that the turtle has been able to survive as long as it has.

Turtles and Man

With so many natural predators, turtle species survival depends upon man taking himself out of the equation.
Teaching your children to respect all animals and not just turtles is one way you can begin. Educate them on
the importance of the turtle in a successful food chain, encourage them to leave their findings just where they
discovered them so that the animals can go on to live out their natural life and contribute to fragile ecosystems.
They will learn by example and the parent that pushes ecological education upon their child is a responsible
citizen of the planet. Future generations are going to suffer greatly because of man's seemingly disinterest in
the environment. Education is the key that will open the door to sustainability and living in harmony and balance
with the natural world.

For great turtle care advice, turtle food recommendation or turtle health issues visit us at...

Article Source:

Friday, 3 September 2010

Jokes 06

Here is the story of an Imam who got up after Friday prayers and announced to the people: "I have good news and

bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still

out there in your pockets."


An Imam shocked his community when he announced that he was resigning from that particular Masjid and moving

to a drier climate. After the session, a very distraught lady came to the Imam with tears in her eyes, "Oh, Imam,

we are going to miss you so much. We don't want you to leave!" The kind hearted Imam said "Now, now, sister,

don't carry on. The Imam who takes my place might be even better than me".

"Yeah", she said, with a tone of disappointment in her voice, "That's what they said the last time too . . . "

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Insurance from Shari'ah Point of View - Part 1

Source -

Dear scholars, as-Salamu `alaykum. Kindly furnish me with Islamic views on insurance, is it a permissible
transaction? Jazakum Allah khayran.
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, we are very pleased with your question which revolves around one of the economic aspects of
the Sharia`h, the divine legislation revealed to regulate man’s affairs.

As regards your question, we would like to stress that insurance companies emerged as a corporate bodies
carrying out some sort of transaction new to the Islamic Fiqh, for it was not known at the time of revelation of
the Shari`ah nor at the time of the great scholars who founded the known Fiqh Schools.

Insurance companies offer variety of services, including what is called commercial insurance. All categories of this
kind of insurance are haram from the Shari`ah point of view since they are interest-oriented dealings, and this is
something textually prohibited according to the Glorious Qur’an and the Prophetic Hadith. What also makes such
transaction haram is the fact that they involve gambling which is unlawful and gharar (undue uncertainty) which is
also prohibited for it entails devouring people’s properties wrongfully.

Tackling the issue in detail, we would like to cite for you the following fatwa issued by the prominent Saudi Islamic
lecturer and author, Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajid, in which he states the following:

All types of commercial insurance no doubt entail Riba (interest) because you pay a specific sum of money and
take a larger or smaller amount should a risk occur. Accordingly, this coverage contains Riba An-Nasi’ah interest
on lent money) and Riba Al-Fadl (exchanging a superior thing of the same kind of goods with more of inferior quality
of the same kind of goods), for as we know, the insurers take premiums from those under this coverage and promise
to give them smaller or larger amounts should a risk occur to the insured. No doubt, this is the very same Riba which
is prohibited according to many Qur’anic verses.

All types of commercial insurance no doubt involve gambling which is prohibited in Almighty Allah’s saying,
(O ye who believe! Strong drink and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan's
handiwork. Leave it aside in order that ye may succeed.) (Al-Ma’idah 5: 90)

All types of insurance include ambiguity since the insurers say to you, “pay such premiums and in case a risk
occurs to you we will pay you such a sum of money.” No doubt, this is the very same gambling. Even distinguishing
between insurance and gambling is an unreasonable contention that cannot be accepted by sound mentality. Rather,
insurers themselves concede that insurance involves gambling.

All types of commercial insurance contain gharar, which is prohibited according to many sound hadiths. We may
cite here the hadith narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said
that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prohibited Bai` Al-Hasa (i.e. sale by means of pebbles,
in which the purchaser tells the seller that when he throws a pebble on his goods, the sale contract will be confirmed
or the seller tells the purchaser that on whatever thing a pebble thrown by him falls will be sold to him) and Bai` Al-
Gharar (to sell a thing which one doesn't have in one's possession, nor expects to bring it under one's control, e g.
fish in the river, or birds in the air).

Insurance from Shari'ah Point of View - Part 2

All types of commercial insurance entails an unbearable amount of ambiguity or gharar , because all insurance
companies and all those who offer insurance coverage prohibit absolutely insurance against any thing that is not
liable to risks. This means that liability to hazards is a pre-condition to insurance coverage. It is also prohibited to
know in advance the exact time of happening a risk nor the amount of money you will take should an incident
happens. Thus, insurance includes the three types of the unbearable gharar.

Therefore, all categories of commercial insurance represent devouring people’s properties wrongfully which is
prohibited according to the text of the Glorious Qur’an,
(O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities…) (An-Nisa’ 4: 29)

Moreover, commercial insurance with all its forms is a trickery operation to eat up people’s property illegally. One
of the accurate statistics conducted by a German expert have proven that the proportion that goes back to people
in comparison with what they pay does not exceed 2.9%.

So, insurance is a great loss for the Ummah. As for the disbelievers whose bonds of affection and mercy were
corrupted and vanished, they were forced to resort to this kind of transactions however they hate it as they hate death.

Moreover, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, adds:
Commercial insurance is originally haram as agreed upon by most contemporary scholars. It is well known that
in most non-Islamic countries there are co-operative and mutual insurance companies. There is no harm from the
Shari`ah point of view to participate in these services. So, it is unlawful for a Muslim living in a country where there
is such a co-operative insurance company to make an agreement with a commercial insurance company. But, if a
co-operative insurance company is not found one may enter into a contract with a commercial insurance company
only by way of necessity. If a person is forced by law to insurance or by way of need, it is obligatory for him to be
content with the minimum proportion of insurance that covers his need or to the minimum of such transaction he’s
being forced to carry out.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

BlockBuster Deals

I'm attracted to share my experience dealing with TM in relation with how they are being unfair to me....
this could happened to you as well.... learn from my mistakes, my dear brothers and sisters.

Day 1: call 100 to know the procedure; I talked to a lady, then before I start ask anything, she is asking my
details for their record. Happened to be, the lady who answered the call is not the correct person @ ext., and
she told me to call back 100 but this time "press bla bla bla"; immediately after hang up the call, one agent
called (looks like the lady operator is doing side business by asking details and pass it to the agents).
From there on, the agent proceed with the registrations.

Day 3: installation / registration of telephone line.

Day 5: telephone line activated; humble advice from the TM technician that, do not make any outgoing calls just
yet, wait till the installation of Streamyx. Otherwise the "sewa bulanan" will be activated. And I did as he advised.

Day 9: Installation @ setup of Streamyx (Blockbuster Deal - 1MB); yahooo internet can be used automatically.
The agent said that I can collect the free cordless phone from any TM Point outlet by showing the Streamyx
activation paper.

Day 10 onwards: make some phone calls (land line) - under Blockbuster Deals, land line phone call throughout
M'sia is free.

Day 40: first bill of close to RM100 for land line phone calls. No bill for internet. The cutoff date is Day 25.

Day 41: ambush TM Point; Customer Service said that:
- in the TnC (which is written in small font with many paragraphs that 99% of us normally don't read), it is
mentioned that the land line free calls will become active only after 1 month from the activation of the Streamyx.
It is your mistake that you make the dealings with the agents and not directly with TM Point.

At this point, I'm forced to pay RM100 for land line phone calls. And the guy advised not to make any land line
phone calls assuming they are free, cause the AGENT didn't register the Blockbuster Deals into my account yet.

Meaning, the 1 month in the TnC is not from the activation date, rather from the day the package added into the
account manually by the person in charge (in my case the Agent). The Agent didn't add the package to my phone
account until this date.

The Customer Service guy request to add the package to my account (from HQ i guess) and said that call back
to 100 and confirm the package is added into your account after 3-4 working days.

- regarding the free cordless phone, it will be sent to house and not to be collected from TM Point (the cordless
phone will be sent to house after the first bill payment or so).

Day 50: Call 100 to know the status; the package still not added.

Day 62: Call 100 to know the status; the package still not added.
The lady asked me only to call back on day 85 to confirm that the package (i.e. free land line) can be used from
Day 85 onward.

This is because the package was preliminarily added but will become active only after Day 85 (due to the package
was added after the monthly cutoff date i.e. day 55). Whateverrrrr.

Day 70: 2nd bill arrived; RM110 for land line calls. From Day 26 to Day 55 (bear in mind that my first ambush to
TM Point was on Day 40; meaning up to Day 39 I was making some land line phone calls). The bill also include
the Streamyx bill from Day 1 to Day 85 (close to RM300).

Day 72: Ambush TM Point again. This time around, the Customer Service guy took my complain and said that
RM110 need not to be paid just yet. Wait till somebody from TM to call and clarify the issues within the next 14 days.

My argument is just that in the TnC it is mentioned 1 months from the activation. A valid point, that I will stick to it.

Day 73: The day I'm writing this entry.

Moral of the Story:
1. Do not give your particulars/details to any strangers
2. Do not deals with Agents (unless recommended by someone who have used them)
3. Read TnC
4. Ask your friends / relatives / neighbors if they have experienced any unusual things in relation to the
same situations.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Are You a Wealthy Man?

A saint was praying silently. A wealthy merchant, observing the saint's devotion and sincerity, was deeply
touched by him. The merchant offered the saint a bag of gold.
"I know that you will use the money for Allah's sake. Please take it."

"Just a moment." The saint replied. "I'm not sure if it is lawful for me to take your money.
Are you a wealthy man? Do you have more money at home?

"Oh yes. I have at least one thousand gold pieces at home," claimed the merchant proudly.

"Do you want a thousand gold pieces more? Asked the saint.

"Why not, of course yes. Every day I work hard to earn more money."

"And do you wish for yet a thousand gold pieces more beyond that?"

"Certainly. Every day I pray that I may earn more and more money."

The saint pushed the bag of gold back to the merchant. "I am sorry, but I cannot take your gold," he said.
"A wealthy man cannot take money from a beggar."

"How can you call yourself a wealthy man and me a beggar?" the merchant spluttered.

The saint replied, "I am a wealthy man because I am content with whatever Allah (SWT) sends me.
You are a beggar, because no matter how much you possess, you are always dissatisfied, and
always begging Allah (SWT) for more."

Monday, 7 June 2010

The Qur’an on the Cerebrum

God has said in the Qur’an about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the Prophet Muhammad from
praying at the Kaaba:
"No! If he does not stop, We will take him by the naseyah (front of the head), a lying,
sinful naseyah (front of the head)!" (Al-Quran, 96:15-16)

Why did the Qur’an describe the front of the head as being lying and sinful? Why didn’t the Qur’an say that the
person was lying and sinful? What is the relationship between the front of the head and lying and sinfulness?

If we look into the skull at the front of the head, we will find the pre-frontal area of the cerebrum (see figure above).

What does physiology tell us about the function of this area? A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
says about this area: “The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion
of the frontal lobes, the pre-frontal area. This is a region of association cortex...” 1

Also the book says: “In relation to its involvement inmotivation, the pre-frontal area is also thought to be the
functional center for aggression....” 2

So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful behavior and
is responsible for the telling of lies and the speaking of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of the head
as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Quran has said: “...A lying, sinful naseyah
(front of the head)!”

Scientists have only discovered these functions of the pre-frontal area in the last sixty years, according to
Professor Keith L. Moore. 3

(1) Essentials of Anatomy&Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211. Also see The Human Nervous System,
Noback and others, pp. 410-411.
(2) Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211.
(3) Al-E’jaz al-Elmy fee al-Naseyah (The Scientific Miracles in the Front of the Head), Moore and others, p. 41.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Ever ponder?

It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.

Good judgment comes from bad experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.

Think nobody knows you're alive? Try missing a payment.

If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

No one pays attention until you make a mistake.

If I save time, when do I get it back?

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

If the left side of the brain controls the right hand, then only left-handed people are in their right mind.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Police Quotes

These are actual police officer quotes collected from numerous people stopped for moving traffic violations.

"If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."

"The handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch out after you wear them awhile."

"So, you don't know how fast you were going. I guess that means I can write anything I want on the ticket, huh?"

"The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or dog?"

"No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets
as we want."

"Warning! You want a warning? Okay, I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."

"Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid."

"In God we trust, all others are suspects."

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Young Boy with Strong Belief

Shaykh Fath al-Mowsily relates, once I saw a young boy walking through the jungle. It appeared as if he
was uttering some words. I greeted him with Salaam and he replied accordingly. I inquired,

"Where are you going?"
Young boy retorted, "To the house of Allah, Kaaba in Makkah."
I further asked, "What are you reciting?"
"Noble Qur'an" he replied.
I remarked, "You are at a tender age, it is not an obligation that you are required to fulfill."

Young boy said, "I have witnessed death approach people younger than me and therefore would like to
prepare if death was to knock on my door."
I astoundingly commented, "Your steps are small and your destination far."
He responded, "My duty is to take the step and it remains the responsibility of Allah (SWT) to take me
to my destination."
I continued to ask, "Where is your provision and conveyance (means of transport)."
He replied, "My Yaqeen (certainty) is my provision and my feet's are my conveyance."
I explained, "I am asking you regarding bread and water."

Young boy replied! "Oh Shaykh if someone invited you to his house, would it be appropriate to take your own food?"
I exclaimed, "No!"
"Similarly, My Lord has invited His servant to His house, it is only the weakness of your Yaqeen (certainty)
that makes us carry provisions. Despite this, do you think Allah (SWT) will let me go to waste?"
"Never" I replied.

Young boy then left.

Sometime later I saw him in Makkah.
Young boy approached me and inquired, "Oh Shaykh are you still of weak belief?"