Saturday, 10 October 2009

New war against Islam?


Read the details here.

Few days ago, a sensational incident happened in a high school in Egypt.

Make it short, former Grand Mufti of Egypt,
Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Tantawi, gave a new "FATWA" to a
16 years old high school girl that:
“The Niqab (face-veil) is nothing but culture – it has absolutely no relationship whatsoever with the
religion of Islam.”

He is at least 3 times older than the girl and the incident happened when the Shaikh was addressing to a group
of young female high school students.

When the girl refused to remove her Niqab, Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Tantawi said:
“…and I know the religion better than you, and those who gave birth to you (i.e., your parents).”

Finally, the Shaikh managed to forced her to remove her Niqab. Then the Shaikh said to the girl that:
Ama law kunti hilwa shuwaya la-amilti eh?”
“So if you were even a little beautiful, what would you have done then?”

From the details from article above, interesting to note that,
concluded his respond to the above mentioned incident by saying that:

"with scholars like these….who needs the French?! "
Kindly noted that, France already banned the wearing of hijab in schools.

What will be our respond to this incident? France, Italy and Canada already began their work to ban the
wearing of Niqab.

Will this be the new war against Islam?


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