Sunday, 21 November 2010


- by Native Deen

amantu billahi wa mala’ikatihi
wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa al-yaum al-akhiri
wa al-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi min Allah
wa al-ba’si ba`d al-maut, la ilaha illa Allah

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Allah is the creator of heaven and of earth
Nothing may compare with Him, He is the One alone
The prophets, best of humankind
Sent to all nations and all tribes
Last of all Muhammad, mercy to the worlds.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the Lord
To praise Allah, to help mankind,
Jibril brings the word.
The scriptures, all by Allah sent,
Torah, Psalms and Gospel then
The source of perfect guidance, the Glorious Quran.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

The reckoning, the Final Day, when all will see their works
Remade in soul and body to stand before the Lord
With patience bearing every grief
With thankfulness for all blessings
We are content with destiny, the Will of Allah.

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Buying a Car - Jargon Terms

You can’t avoid coming across technical terms when you’re tracking down that ideal car. So to help you
speak the lingo like a native, here are the top four jargon terms and what they really mean.

Most people talk about the ‘size’ of an engine. The technical term for this is displacement. Generally, an
engine with a higher displacement will feel more refined and responsive in everyday driving. There are two
ways of measuring displacement: litres and cubic centimetres (cc). Most car engines fall between 1.3 litres
(1,300cc) and 6 litres (6,000cc). If the engine has a supercharger, that will also boost performance, even if
the engine has a modest displacement.

Power Output
This is the maximum power produced by an engine. A car with a high power output will normally feel more
sporty than one with a low output, especially when you’re driving it hard. However, weight is also an important
factor. If it’s a heavy car, you’ll need a higher power output to have the same kind of performance as a lighter,
lower powered car. Power output is measured in horsepower (hp) or kilowatts (kW), and cars typically range
from 75hp to 550hp.

Fuel Consumption
If you want to know whether the car will sip or gulp the fuel down, ask about the fuel consumption. It tells you
how far the car will go on a set amount of fuel and is measured in litres per 100km (l/100km) or, sometimes,
kilometres per litre (km/1 litre). Big, heavy cars with big engines drink more fuel than small, light cars with
small engines – and a car with an automatic gearbox is usually a little thirstier than an identical car with a
manual gearbox. But whatever the car, you’ll get through more fuel in stop-start driving than on a long, steady
cruise. That’s why you’ll see fuel consumption figures quoted for urban (city), long journeys (expressway)
and a combined figure. A normal range for the combined consumption figure is 5 – 15 litres/100km.

When you’re ambling around and you suddenly put your foot down, the initial acceleration you feel is caused
by the engine’s torque. The more you have – and the sooner you have it – the more responsive the car will feel.
Torque is measured in Newton-metres (Nm) so look for a high ‘Nm’ number. It will be quoted next to an ‘rpm’
number. Rpm (revolutions per minute, or revs) refers to engine speed – basically, how hard the engine has to
work to give you the torque figure quoted. So the lower the rpm figure, the sooner you’ll feel the push of the
torque. High torque at low rpm will give you a nippy, responsive car in everyday driving.


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Jokes 07

A: Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation?
B: Yes, of course.
A: Great! I never could before!

What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters!"

Q: What has many keys but can't open any doors?
A: A piano.

Lady Teacher: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses. Now, if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?
Student: Obviously it is the past tense.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

In Aradtum

-by Sameer al Bashiri

If you want to be like a mole (or "beauty mark") distinguished amongst the human race.
Then track the trails of a generation that planned and outlined for excellence.

The generation of Zaid and Usaid and Mu'adh and Al-Bara'.
(Zayd ibn Thabit - Usaid bin Hudhair - Mu'adh bin Jabal -Al-Bara' ibn Malik)

They were like stars in the darkness and on the unjust they were falling comets.
They are clear full moons with no clouds to disrupt visibility.
They all were "Effort" and "Striving" in character.
They were needed rain (Help) that fell on all.

They divorced life and lived as torches of guidance on its aspects.
They filled earth with peace, science and virtues.
They guided every misguided one who, from the guidance of Islam, had lost course.

So, O my people when will we rebuild...When?...When?
What we have by our own hands destroyed...When?...When?

Boasting about Khubaib and Al-Muthanna will gain us nothing.
(Khubaib bin Uday - Al-Muthanna bin Harithah)
Injustice will not be removed from us by saying "We were this...We were that".