Mazhab Hanafi
Dinisbahkan mazhab ini kepada Imam an-Nu'man bin Thabit ( 80 H- 150 H) . Terkenal dengan gelaran
al-Imam Abu Hanifah. Keturunan beliau berasal dari Parsi,bgmnpun beliau menjadi ahli Iraq.
Beliau dianggap pemimpin aliran 'ahli ra'yi', dan juga dikira sebagai pelopor ilmu qias (perbandingan).
Usul Mazhab beliau adalah :
a. Al-Quran al-Karim.- Beliau tidak menerima pemakaian 'mafhum mukhalafah'.- Tidak terhenti menghukum
pd zohir ayat bahkan, mengkaji 'illat serta meneliti ruh tasyri'. Tidak memegang hanya pd zohir nas al-Quran.
b. As-Sunnah an-Nabawiyah.- Berpegang kpd hadith mutawatir dan masyhur.- Berpegang kpd hadith Ahad
tetapi dgn syarat2 tertentu.
c. Al-Ijma'
d. Qawl Sahabat dan Tabi'e
e. Al-Qias
f. Istihsan
g. Al-'Uruf
h. Al-Masolih al-Mursalah dan al-Istishob.
Mazhab Maliki
Dinisbahkan kepada Imam Malik Bin Anas al-Asbahi ( 93 H - 179 H). Beliau digelar Imam dar al-Hijrah, ini
adalah kerana beliau ahli Madinah. Dikebumikan di perkuburan baqi', Madinah. Beliau salah seorg drpd Imam
madrasah ahli al-Hadith.
Usul Mazhab beliau adalah :
a. Al-Quran al-Karim.- Mengambil zahir nas, umumnya, juga menerima 'mafhum mukhalafah' dan
'mafhum Muwafaqah'
b. As-Sunnah an-Nabawiyah- Menerima hadith Ahad tanpa syarat.- Menerima Hadith Mursal.- Mendahulukan
'Amal Ahli Madinah' daripada Hadith Ahad.
c. Al-Ijma'
d. Qawl Sahabat
e. Al-Qias
f. Al-Maslahat al-Mursalah serta kerap menggunakannya.
g. Al-Istihsan.
h. Saddu al-Dzara'ik
Mazhab Syafi'e
Dinisbahkan kepada Imam Muhammad Bin Idris as-Syafi'e (150 H- 204 H), keturunannya beremu dgn
keturunan Rasulullah SAW pada Abd al-Manaf. Dilahirkan di gazza, Palestin. Setengahnya mengatakan
di 'asqolan, meninggal di Mesir. Membesar di Mekah sehingga diizinkan memberikan fatwa ketika berumur
15 tahun, berpindah ke Madinah dan menuntut dgn Imam Malik dan Yaman, kemudian ke Baghdad, menuntut
dgn Imam Muhd bin Hasan al-Hanafi, akhirnya berpindah ke Mesir dan wafat di sana.
Beliau telah menggabungkan ilmu drpd kedua2 aliran ahli ra'yi dan ahli al-hadith. Ini menyebabkan beliau
sgt dihormati oleh kedua2 aliran.
Usul Utama Mazhab:
a. Al-Quran al-Karim.- Beramal dgn Al-Quran serta as-Sunnah menjadi pengtakhsis, penjelas serta pentaqyid
bgnya.- Memegang zahir Nas sehingga terdpt dalil yang membawa maksud lain dr zahir.
b. As-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah.- Memegang hadith dgn syarat bersambung dan shohih sanad, iaitu dgn perawi
yg 'thiqah', 'Sadiq', Wara', Memahami apa yang diriwayatkannya, 'dhobid', serta- mendengar hadiith secara
langsung dari orang yang diambilnya.- Tidak menyetujui Abu Hanifah dalam syart pemakaian Hadith Ahad.
- Tidak menyetujui Imam Malik dalam mendahulukan amal ahli Madinah ke atas Hadith Ahad. - Berlainan dari
tiga mazhab lain dlm pemakaian hadith Mursal, di mana ia menerima Hadith Mursal dari Kibar at-Tabi'en spt
Sa'id Musayyab.
c. Qawl Sahabat.- Tidak berhujjah dgn qawl Sahabat krn mungkin ia dtgnya dari ijtihad, lalu berkemungkinan
untuk silap.
d. Ijma'- Berhujjah dgn Ijma' Qawli shj.
e. Al-Qias- Sederhana dlm menerima qias. Tidak meluas spt Abu Hanifah dan tidak terlalu sempit spt
Imam Ahmad.
f. Al-Istihsan - Menolak pengamalan istihsan serta menyifatkan ia perkataan bersandar nafsu.
Mazhab Hanbali
Dinisbahkan kepada Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal as-Syaibani ( 164 H - 241 H). Lahir di Baghdad serta wafat di
sana. Salah seorg Imam Aliran Ahli Al-Hadith. Menumpukan banyak masa beliau mengumpulkan hadith
yang dinamakan Musnad, mengandungi lebih kurang 40,000 hadith. 10,000 drpdnya berulang. Ia diambil drpd
750,000 hadith yang dihafaznya. (As-Sunnah wa makanatuha fi at-Tasyri', Dr Mustafa as-Siba'ie, cet al-Maktab
al-Islami, hlm 482)
Usul Utama Mazhab :
a. Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah.
b. Mengambil Qawl Sahabat.
c. Mengambil Hadith Mursal dan Dhoif. Mendahulukan hadith dhoif ke atas qias.
d. Ijma'
e. Istishob, Masalih al-Mursalah, Sadd al-zara'ik
Oleh :
Ust. Zaharuddin Abd. Rahman
Jabatan Feqh dan Usul Feqh
Universiti al-Yarmouk, Jordan
Sunday, 22 June 2008
There was once a man who was going to travel to a dangerous land. He goes to the house of a
man well known for his honesty. He knocks on the door and tells him: "I'm giving you $1440 to
keep with you as I am traveling to a dangerous place. When I get back, I only want $17 back."
The honest man stood their perplexed but agreed.
The next day, the traveler comes back to the honest man's house and asks him for the $17.
The honest man tells him that he forgot and that he had spent it all. The traveler forgave him
since he knew that this man is honest enough to give it back later.
The next day, the same man travels to the same dangerous place and gives the same honest
man $1440 to keep and at the end of the day, he will take $17 back. The traveler returns from
his travels and asks the honest man for his $17. The honest man replies that he was so
engrossed in having a good time with his friends, that he spent all the money again.
Once again, the traveler forgives him, knowing he didn't do it deliberately.
This same incident starts to happen everyday, whereby the honest man is given $1440 and is
expected to return only $17 but fails to do so.
Later on, his child becomes sick and the doctor giving the treatment tells the honest man that
if he wishes for his child to be looked after, the fee is $1440. The honest man starts to panic
realizing he can't afford $1440. It then struck him that the traveler used to give him that same
amount. He runs to the traveler’s house and asks him in a panic for $1440.
The traveler told him that due to his feeble excuses, he has stopped going to his house as he
has lost faith in his honesty.
The irony is that this story has once been directly relevant to each and every single one of us.
It is quite remarkable that Allah s.w.t. gives us 1440 minutes each day and only specifies 17
minutes of that back in prayer. But due to the ignorance of people and the whisperings of
Shaitaan the accursed, we are blinded towards the minute scale of what we are giving back.
This story points out three things:
1. The importance of Solat and how little we have to give back.
2. The mercy of Allah that he forgives us even after such blunders.
3. The fact that we only realize how important something is (in this case the gift of wealth)
until it is gone.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Keep Your Wife's Love Guaranteed
Ahmad Shehab - 60 Ways to Keep Your Wife's Love Guaranteed
1. Make her feel secure and sakinah - don't threaten her with divorce
2. Give sincere salaams
3. Treat her gently - like a fragile vessel
4. Advise in private, at the best time, in the best way and atmosphere
5. Be generous with her
6. Warm the seat for her, you will warm her heart
7. Avoid anger, keep wudu at all times
8. Look good and smell great for your wife
9. Don't be rigid or harsh-hearted or you will be broken
10. Be a good listener
11. Yes for flattery, No for arguing
12. Call your wife with the best names, cute nicknames, names she loves to hear
13. A pleasant surprise
14. Preserve and guard the tongue
15. Expect, accept, and overlook her shortcomings
16. Give sincere compliments
17. Encourage her to keep good relations with her family
18. Speak of the topic of her interest
19. Express to her relatives, how wonderful she is
20. Give each other gifts
21. Get rid of routine, surprise her
22. Have a good opinion of each other
23. Have good manners, overlook small things, don't nitpick
24. Add a drop of patience, increase during pregnancy, menses
25. Expect and respect her jealously
26. Be humble
27. Sacrifice your happiness for hers
28. Help at home, with housework
29. Help her love your relatives, but don't try to force her
30. Let her know that she is the ideal wife for you
31. Remember your wife in dua
32. Leave the past for Allah subhanahu wa ta ala, don't dwell on, dig into, or bring it up
33. Don't act as if you are doing her a favor by working or providing, Allah is the Provider,
the husband is the carrier of the sustenance to the family
34. Take shaytaan as your enemy, not your wife
35. Put food in your wife's mouth
36. Treat your wife like she is the most precious pearl that you want to protect
37. Show her your smile
38. Don't ignore the small things, deal with them before they become big
39. Avoid being harsh-hearted
40. Respect and show that you appreciate her thinking
41. Help her to find and build her inner strengths and skills
42. Respect that she might not be in mood for intimacy, stay within halal boundaries
43. Help her take care of the children
44. Give her gifts with your tongue, be an artist with your compliments
45. Sit down and eat meals together
46. Let her know that you will be traveling or returning from travel, give her sufficient notice
47. Don't leave home in anger
48. Maintain the secrecy and privacy of the home
49. Encourage each other in ibaadat
50. Respect and Fulfill her rights upon you
51. Live with her in kindness, goodness, fairness in good and bad times
52. Kiss your wife, foreplay, "Don't jump on her like a bull"
53. Keep disputes between the two of you, don't take it outside
54. Show care for her health and well-being
55. Remember you are not always right or perfect yourself
56. Share your happiness and sadness with her
57. Have mercy for her weaknesses
58. Be a firm support for her to lean on
59. Accept her as is, she is a package deal
60. Have a good intention for her
1. Make her feel secure and sakinah - don't threaten her with divorce
2. Give sincere salaams
3. Treat her gently - like a fragile vessel
4. Advise in private, at the best time, in the best way and atmosphere
5. Be generous with her
6. Warm the seat for her, you will warm her heart
7. Avoid anger, keep wudu at all times
8. Look good and smell great for your wife
9. Don't be rigid or harsh-hearted or you will be broken
10. Be a good listener
11. Yes for flattery, No for arguing
12. Call your wife with the best names, cute nicknames, names she loves to hear
13. A pleasant surprise
14. Preserve and guard the tongue
15. Expect, accept, and overlook her shortcomings
16. Give sincere compliments
17. Encourage her to keep good relations with her family
18. Speak of the topic of her interest
19. Express to her relatives, how wonderful she is
20. Give each other gifts
21. Get rid of routine, surprise her
22. Have a good opinion of each other
23. Have good manners, overlook small things, don't nitpick
24. Add a drop of patience, increase during pregnancy, menses
25. Expect and respect her jealously
26. Be humble
27. Sacrifice your happiness for hers
28. Help at home, with housework
29. Help her love your relatives, but don't try to force her
30. Let her know that she is the ideal wife for you
31. Remember your wife in dua
32. Leave the past for Allah subhanahu wa ta ala, don't dwell on, dig into, or bring it up
33. Don't act as if you are doing her a favor by working or providing, Allah is the Provider,
the husband is the carrier of the sustenance to the family
34. Take shaytaan as your enemy, not your wife
35. Put food in your wife's mouth
36. Treat your wife like she is the most precious pearl that you want to protect
37. Show her your smile
38. Don't ignore the small things, deal with them before they become big
39. Avoid being harsh-hearted
40. Respect and show that you appreciate her thinking
41. Help her to find and build her inner strengths and skills
42. Respect that she might not be in mood for intimacy, stay within halal boundaries
43. Help her take care of the children
44. Give her gifts with your tongue, be an artist with your compliments
45. Sit down and eat meals together
46. Let her know that you will be traveling or returning from travel, give her sufficient notice
47. Don't leave home in anger
48. Maintain the secrecy and privacy of the home
49. Encourage each other in ibaadat
50. Respect and Fulfill her rights upon you
51. Live with her in kindness, goodness, fairness in good and bad times
52. Kiss your wife, foreplay, "Don't jump on her like a bull"
53. Keep disputes between the two of you, don't take it outside
54. Show care for her health and well-being
55. Remember you are not always right or perfect yourself
56. Share your happiness and sadness with her
57. Have mercy for her weaknesses
58. Be a firm support for her to lean on
59. Accept her as is, she is a package deal
60. Have a good intention for her
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