Thursday, 15 March 2012

Anger Management

Types of Anger: Verbal & Physical

4 types of Style of Anger

1. Open Aggression
They will use all Verbal and Physical Anger to express themselves by scolding that person or even worst, hit. Does it Solve the Problem? No because it worsen the Condition of the Problem.

2. Suppressed Anger
This kind of people will just sit down and not do not want to talk about it. He/she will remain Silence and suppress all his/her anger.Does it Solve the Problem? No because the anger is still there. it does not solve the Problem.

3. Passive Anger
 Person that express their anger by Cutting things, throw, hit things to express.Does it Solve the Problem? Still no. He/She wasted so much properties for Destroying, Problem is till there.

4. Assertive Problem Solving
Ah yes, this is Sunnah. Prophet SAW solve his anger by SOLVING THE PROBLEM!

A Story where there was a guy peeing inside the Mimbar of Masjid Nabawi, all Sahabat was about to kill the person, but Rasulullah (pbuh) stopped the Sahabat. "Let him finish his things".
After the Guy finished, Rasullullah (pbuh) approach the person and politely advice the guy about his faults.
The Guy replied, "Oh Allah, Mercy upon me, Muhammad and the Sahabat" 


1. Choose to pay attention to your feelings
2. Express your feelings in a very polite way
3. Solve the Problem in a Agreeable Way.
4. Follow ACTS Technique! 
A - Aware of the Feelings
C - Control and Response
T - TALK (use WIN: W - When: e.g. When you come home late, when you use my computer, when you use my mug; I -  I FEEL: e.g. I feel Sad, I feel empty, I feel Disrespect, I feel Down; N - NEED: e.g. I NEED you to come early, I NEED you to use my Computer, I NEED you to use)

10 Ways to Limit Your Anger
1. Seeking Refuge with Allah from Syaitan
2. Keeping Silent
3. Not Moving
4. Following the Advice of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
5. Do not become angry and Paradise will be yours
6. Knowing the high status and advantages offered to those who control themselves
7. Following the Prophet's Example in the case of anger
8. Knowing that resisting anger is one of the signs of righteousness
9. Listening to reminders
10. Knowing the bad effects of Anger.


Narrated Abu Hurairah (r.a.): Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said, 
The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, 
but he strong is the one who controls himself while in anger”.
[Bukhari Vol 8 Hadith No 135]

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

UMRAH: Checklist and Tips & Tricks

Check List

A. Solat Jenazah & Doa Sajdah  
B. 2 pairs of ihram
C. Odorless Vaseline
D. Very light 'sejadah' (prayer mat)
E. Very light slippers with plastic bag
F. Slipper sling carry bag
G. Lip bum
H. Scissors
I.  Belt
J. Shaver - arm pit and private part
K. Small Tissue
L. Pocket Qur'an with translation
M. Pocket doa book
N. At least 95 doa - prepare a list
O. Loose money of Saudi - max 50/100 dirham note
P. 2 page Umrah guide (download here:
Q. International travel adapter 
R. Sun glasses
S. Face mask
T. 3 pairs of clothes
U. Clothes detergent and brush
V. 4 clothes hanger
W. Towel
X. Small Water heater and cups
Y. 3in1 tea, milo or coffee
Z. Small iron

Tips & Tricks

Bring max 3+1 set of clothes only. 

You don't need your laptop. Handphone is enough. Mashaallah Mekah is full of people and some shops open 24hours

1000 riyal is enough for normal usage - 2 person (2-3kg of kurma ajwa, 3-4 jubah, souvenir, snacks and foods)

Do lots of ajr (good deeds) - pass tissue paper, provide / give away water

Learn how to stop people crossing your sujud  

'Mobily' Prepaid, 40 dirham only. Good enough.

Keep lots of loose change always to give charity

Do not bring thing that you can buy there. Keep some space in your luggage. Bring extra hand carry bag, limit is 7kg.

Abaya (jubah perempuan) price is 5-20 dirham cheaper in Mekah - depends on the price. e.g. 100 -> 80. 30->25.
But Medinah's abaya is more beautiful than in Mekah.

Baby stroller not allowed - carry baby or rent wheelchair.

Baby will start crying after takbiratul ihram

Not many money changer available in Mekah. 

2 part of mosque (Near mount Marwah, near Hotel Hilton) Like 2 different part of the world

Cold and normal temp zamzam water available

Prepare to listen these words: hajjhihajjhahsweu sweu

Pushing wheelchair service 200 dirham for tawaf and sa'e

A lot of people can speak Malay. Indeed you may get better discount if you speak / nego in Malay

Foods are not allowed in the Mosque

Miqat at Tana'im (Masjid Aisyah) is among the nearest mosque 7km. Cost range from 3 to 30 riyal per person.

For Men: If you intend to perform Umrah more than once, then do not clean shave your head the first time. Spare the clean shave for the final Umrah. Normal package from Malaysia will have options to perform Umrah 3 times.

Lots of Barber shops available outside of the Mosque, near Mount Marwah -> 4-5 shops in a row. 

Solah timing a bit late in Medinah (gap between azan and iqamah) compare to Mekah

Kurma Nabi. 1kg Price is 120 dirham, anything cheaper than this is low quality

You can eat any amount of kurma nabi at ladang kurma for free


Youtube Video Guide: