Misconception # 8: Muslims eat animals and behave like animals.
Reply: There is a saying that you are what you eat. Muslims eat only herbivorous animals (animals that eat only
plants, grass, leaves etc). These animals are peaceful animals, like goat, lamb etc. Therefore, we are peaceful
people. Muslims are prevented from eating carnivorous animals, i.e. animals that eat other animals. The holy
prophet has prohibited us from eating snakes, lizards, cats, dogs, birds of prey etc.
Some non-Muslims say that allowing slaughtered animals to bleed to death is torturing the animals. It is better to
behead them in one quick shot on the neck. Some Muslims' response to this is that the non-Muslims attach the
animals from behind, like cowards; while Muslims confront the animal in a manly manner, face-to-face, from the front.
Of course this is not a good reason; it is only a joke.
Scientific tests have proven that when the animal's throat is slit along with the windpipe and the vein (without damage
to the spinal cord), the animal dies a painless death. The animal twitches its legs, it is not because of pain but
because the heart has pumped out all the blood from the legs. It is this twitching of the lags, this thrashing about of
the dying animal that leads the non-Muslim to believe that the animal is in pain. Blood carries toxins and impurities
that are harmful for humans. Islam prohibits the eating/drinking of blood. Meat without blood lasts longer than meat
with blood in it.
Misconception # 9: Going around the Kabah is idol worship.
Reply: No religion is more vocal in condemning idol worship than Islam. The Muslims do not worship Kabah, only
God, or Allah. While circumambulating the Kabah they chant: La Illa Ha Ill-lal-lah. (There is no object worthy of
worship but Allah).
The Kabah is for unifying Muslims at prayer. It would be chaotic if Muslims prayed in any direction they chose. The
Kabah provides a chance to unify in prayer as all Muslims face one spot, the Kabah. Throughout the globe people
from various countries face North, South, East and West only to face the Kabah. When the Arabs drew the map of
the globe, they put Makkah in the center; but when the Western people gained power, they put Greenwich in the
center. But if you look at the map, Makkah continues to be in the center of the globe even today. Alhamdulillah!
Some accuse Muslims to be idol worshippers because they kiss the black rock at Kabah. This they do only because
they saw the prophet do it. The black stone has no power to benefit or harm you. In olden times, the call to prayer
was given by standing on the top of Kabah. If Muslims were idol worshippers, would they stand on top of their 'idol'
and call people to pray. Does a Hindu or a Christian stand on top of their idols and call others to join in the worship?
Misconception # 10: Muslims are wrong in preventing non-Muslims from visiting Makkah.
Reply: Allah has prohibited this. Makkah is not a place of tourism, but a place of reverence and worship. A non-
Muslim has no reverence for Makkah, and therefore should not be there as a mere spectator.
Although I am an Indian, I can't go to the cantonment area in Bombay where the military is based. I need a special
permit. Similarly, all countries have their own rules to allow visitors in. Applicants must meet certain conditions
insisted on by the host country. I had to meet the conditions of the US Government to visit USA. Similarly, there are
conditions to visit Makkah. The condition is: You must recite from your heart "La illa-ha-ill-lal-lah, Mohammed-ur rasul
Allah" (I bear witness that there is no object worthy of worship except Allah, and that Mohammed is the messenger
of Allah).
Misconception # 11: Muslims wrongly don't eat pork
Reply: God has prohibited pork. There are several references even in the Bible where swine meat is prohibited.
Science has associated 70 diseases with swine meat, the most dangerous being tapeworm, for which there is no
cure. It causes irreparable damage to the insides of human beings. Even if a pig has been raised on a farm and its
flesh is cooked very well at high temperatures, certain germs never die. The pig is a filthy animal; it eats human
excreta. It has to protective instinct for its female. It is a shameless animal. Therefore people who eat its flesh, have
no shame if their females mate with other men.